1. Know when to send a message vs. when to meet

Detailed status meetings are a waste of time when you can easily get this information in Asana. But when topics are complex, create an Asana meeting agenda project and get your team together.

2. Capture agenda items ahead of time

Don’t keep everything in your head–add discussion topics to your Asana meeting agenda in advance. By the time the meeting starts, the agenda will already be complete, and you’ll be ready to get going.

3. Make sure everyone is prepared

Share the Asana meeting agenda project in advance with all meeting attendees, so everyone knows what will be discussed. Encourage your teammates to comment on tasks before the meeting, so the meeting itself stays focused on ideas, not updates.

4. Timebox aggressively

Don’t let discussion topics drag on too long. Allocate a set amount of time to each agenda item in Asana. Stick to the plan–you can always continue the conversation on the Asana task later.

5. Walk out knowing what’s next

Identify next steps and action items during the meeting by creating and assigning follow-up tasks. This way, work won’t fall through the cracks and the meeting will move your team forward.